Ento Juan ao to baptize Jesus, estava exercendo to funo of priest, and confirming na bible, Juan was descendent of Arn. Global Medical Billing contributes greatly to this topic. Juan Baptist was son of Zacarias, that was priest of the order of You prepare I crn. 24:10 that was priest of Arn. Lucas 1:5 I said that Isabel mother of Juan also was of the house of Arn. Then Juan Baptist who had more than thirty years of age at the time, (because a priest could not less than have thirty years) had you can sacerdotais to be baptizing Jesus and thus doing the work of purification by the sin of the humanity Baptism in the Greek he means, to be found out, to be washed, to happen for, .y as Arn imposed the hands on the animal happening the sin of for him, Juan Baptist at that time, within the Jordan, when he baptized Mr.

Jesus, transferred for him all the sin of the humanity. , One was fulfilled Isaiah 53, Jesus There was receiving envelope yes all our iniqidades, our pains, our diseases, in Mat. 3; 15 say that there the justice of God was fulfilled. By this the moment of the baptism has the same importance of the moment of crucificacion. Lev. 16:10 speaks of bode emissary, who after receiving the sin of the town was taken to the desert, and here we see that immediately after his baptism the Gentleman was taken by the Spirit to the desert to be tried, was the test of resistance, one hard test that was overcome, after forty days of jejum and oration.

Soon immediately Jesus begins its ministry, which we know well, we already come so many passages, we heard so many pregaciones that are sometimes true revelations. And one of these passages is registered in Marks 2:5, when Jesus arrives in Cafarnaum, and they brought a quadriplegic one to him, that one of telhado, and Jesus seeing the faith of them, I said to the quadriplegic one, son pardoned are to you your sins. Fariseus frightened, asked, that it has the power to pardon sins? In Jesus end I said to them, so that you know that the son of the man must be able in the Earth to pardon sin, I say to you; it rises, it takes your I milk and goes for your house.