With its pulsantes ideals Bizet it eternalizes its celebrates phrase: The love is an rebellious bird that nobody can imprison. The freedom spirit is that it stimulates the Andalusian personage, fortifies the ideals of the feminine liberalization, therefore it becomes synonymous of emancipation and referring feminine freedom the ways and customs of the Spanish women. the love is part of the life and not an arrest, in this manner Bizet tells that Carmen thinks on the love. The love is a boy gypsy who never knew the law; if I does not land on water, landed on water I you, if to love you to I, care?

As all woman who very had an ideology beyond its time suffered to many sanctions from Andalusian society in favor of its thought of freedom and pureness in the nature of the social space without confinements and mooring cables of the social conventions where it lives, in which reluz its state of spirit when saying: My heart is free as air? Who wants my soul? It is free! I do not have fear you are welcome. Carmen never will yield! It was born it exempts and it exempts will die! Carmen not only revolutionized in the way to think, but also in the way as if it holds, it acts and it lives exactly in the world where the society is massive machista and hypocritical. It arose in the society the desire for the freedom ideal and love for what she believes above all and that she fought for it, becoming reality the desire and the conquests for something better. Made for Ronye Mrcio In 06 of January of 2010.