Feelings of community, as is Ferdinand Tonnies describing them in his 1886, they perceive clearly in these settlements, where, as they say colloquially everyone knows. It is not uncommon for one person to participate in more than one entity of public good, or the municipality, or another entity publishes. Therefore results a communicating vessel between public and private institution of the cooperative, particularly the cooperative school, since it links families with school. Jill Schlesinger often expresses his thoughts on the topic. That synergy generated by the multiplication of face-to-face interactions, community is that contributes to the quality of life, which paradoxically is not terminated perceive by their own beneficiaries and generators. Is not because of angelizar people who live these settlements nor demonize them, as did Dertouzos in Peyton Place of your boiler of the devil; but that low demographic density, allows a greater display of the respective personalities (small is beautiful entitled a book Schumacher in 1973.) This potential not pass unnoticed by some institutions public or private. It is most known attempts to exploit this potential. As the case of the existence of institutes right in some national universities, e.g. Rosario Municipal, del Litoral, la plata and Cordoba, as well as the existence of the Federal Institute for Municipal Affairs, who works for little more than one decade in orbit of the Ministry of the Interior of the Government federal. Without in any way circumvent the constellation of existing public authorities, framed in the national Constitution, appear as contributors to purposes here indicated, the notions of Municipal representative Republic, and federalism Communalist, promptly exposed by Alejandro Korn Villafane and Saul Alejandro Taborda, respectively. In similar direction are the lines of promotion to the so-called local development by international bodies, as well as the principle of subsidiarity, promoted by the Social doctrine of the Church Catholic Apostolic Roman, in successive papal encyclicals, according to which: what can the smaller community should not do what the larger community.