greetings from Alpha ship! We are confident that we will initiate a period of extremely useful and helpful interaction with your addition to the group with which we work to carry the information we want them to get the maximum number of interested people. Ship Alpha is located at a distance of your 200,000 miles from Earth, ready to act swiftly and effectiveness in any point of the planet that is missing. Our technology, many thousands of years longer than your current, allows us to remain invisible to your simple aerial sighting devices. In the event that we had to intervene, we could make it without being detected by your Governments, since most of them still do not have any intention to cooperate with us openly, though they know of our presence. If not for the interference of certain human beings who occupy positions of economic, social and political power, and which are run by the dark forces, already would make time which We would have helped them to improve all its social structure, produce more natural foods and stock up on all the necessary resources without polluting the environment, with which such extreme weather that they are suffering in these moments would usher in a much more sustainable temperate climate.

We are diverse and very heterogeneous civilizations that we are now awaiting their evolution, then step that will soon give not only will improve the situation of all living beings on the Earth, but that positively affect the aura of all the planets that revolve around its Sun, and even other adjacent solar systems. Why it is so important that the mission that has been entrusted to us is carried to fruition. And we get that with the cooperation of all of you. Each person that is offered to the evolutionary Plan will conform a piece into the puzzle, so no action by you is devoid of value; on the contrary, the work of each of you, however small that may seem, it is of utmost importance for the achievement of global mission on this planet. Do not lose hope, to maintain full confidence and faith that we not faulty, in that soon, very soon be established worldwide moral values already living other worlds similar to yours, and will allow for many social injustices present until today to disappear from the face of the Earth. Then you will live a paradise on Earth. Blessings for the brave people who are the pioneers of the planet in this peaceful struggle for the restoration of Justice, equity and mutual respect among all men. Peace and love from the alpha ship.