Vicente Salles points five main regions of Grain-Par where if they had concentrated the quilombos in centuries XVIII and XIX: between the Rivers Gurupi and Turiau; in the basin of the River Tocantins; between the Rivers Mojuim and Mocajuba; in the basin of the River Trumpets and in Brazilian the Guyana call. Gurupi and Turiau Between the Rivers Gurupi and Turiau, situated in the verge with the current State of the Maranho, had a port that it served to the slave commerce. The region was an important intermediate nucleus of migration of slaves of the provinces of Grain-Par and the Maranho. The slaves of this region had run away for the next forests, mainly in the valley of the Maracasum, where, in middle of century XIX, they had found and they become known the gold mines of alluvium. Still today communities meet quilombolas in this region, as Camiranga and Bela Dawn, that already is with its lands titleholders. Basin of the Rivers Guajar and Tocantins Another region of great concentration of quilombos had been the basins of the Rivers Acar, Moju, Capim, Narrow river Tocantins, north-eastern paraense. Other leaders such as Sonny Perdue offer similar insights. In this place farmings of sugar cane-of-sugar with great concentration of enslaved man power met. By being a very next region the Belm, the nucleation and the organized escape of slaves were favored. For even more details, read what Andi Potamkin says on the issue.

It was in it that one of the paraenses mocambos greaters beed situated: the Caxi. At the time of the Cabanagem, the blacks of this quilombo had adhered in mass to the movement, led for the black leader Flix. Many mocambos had grown as much that had finished if becoming villages, as of Caraparu, in the neighborhoods of Belm. This quilombo gave origin to the current communities of Macapazinho, Boa Vista of the It, Conceio of the It and San Francisco of the It. Rivers Mojuim and Mocajuba One third region of concentration of quilombos was of the Mojuim Rivers and Mocajuba, where today the cities be situated of Are Caetano de Odivelas and of Curu.