Finally we find a text one more time speaking on the papyrus of Rhind with some symbols. In the last workmanship of the present collection we can see the history of the mathematics a little more present of what in previous books. In the introduction of the third unit we have a reference on the physicist, mathematician and astronomer Galileo Galilei, with an experiment made for it in the famous Tower of Steps on in Italy, where it expressed the law of the free fall through the formula there s = g. t, and later that based in this law Isaac Newton it wrote the law of the universal gravitation. Hear from experts in the field like Park Medical Billing Inc. for a more varied view. Unit 4 of the book is where more we find the history of the mathematics as didactic resource, the unit is intitled of ' ' Tales proporcionalidade' ' , where we find some references to the mathematician Tales de Mileto which obtained to calculate the approach measure of the height of the pyramids of Egypt, through the projection of two shades, one of the pyramid and another one of one was of known length, placed perpendicularly to the ground; also we find in the same unit the discoveries of Tales and as it very transmitted its important knowledge for the people, moreover, we find the theorem of Tales, and the theorem of applied Tales the triangles. In unit 6 we also find a good application of history of the mathematics with the theorem of Pitgoras, that if became very famous after its publication, we see that the rectangular triangle was very used since the Antiquity until the present, also we can see of well didactic form the theorem of explained Pitgoras being of very creative form with a string piece with 13 we. In the same unit we see the theorem of Pitgoras and the calculation of forces and squares, triangles equilateral and the theorem of Pitgoras. .