Now firstly it is necessary to recognize that the problem not only is about few, the problem is global, we are all responsible for what happens, and as the situation involves all, is important to each and every one of us working together in the solution. & nbs p; Man can not live isolated from the external world, here the issue is that currently it is believed the Almighty and the worst is that he has come to individualism, and even when an individual is the difference between both terms is very large. The individual is a unique being, free with convictions that this recognition needs to be able to perform as a person, without the need of isolated from others, on the other hand the term individualism occurs when this individual isolates are, becomes selfish and not need anything or anyone to survive. Then you can see that the environmental problem is given from the moment in which the individual decides to become individualistic and thinking that already nothing can affect you, here what needs to be stressed is that if we want to arrive at the total change we must learn to recognize us as individuals and therefore understand solution begins in oneself, to subsequently arrive at collectivismbecause it would be impossible to achieve teamwork when you have an individualistic thinking, and as well as all collaborate in the creation of this problem now together we must find the solution more feasible. Read more here: Danone. As the problem already mentioned above is not the fault of some few, here if we resume the transaccionalista perspective that takes as a unit of analysis the holistic entities such as events involving people, psychological and environmental processes we realize this, you mention, everything is given in set; In summary this unit is the person in the environment, both the person as environment they are defined dynamically and mutually transform as two aspects of a global unit, where stability and change coexists continuously over time. Consequently it is important to seek the sources of change, both forms that change to a certain level to affect the other levels, creating new configurations of person environment. sta perspective makes us see that if you want to make a difference you will need both factors social, cultural, political, economic, etc. to become involved; It is not a problem which concerns only some few resolve, if not that is a whole, hence the word, holistic, Gestal theory tells us that the whole is more than the sum of its parts, it is clear if all joint, change will be more rapid and efficient, however nothing is so easy, is needed first of all reach a perception most comprehensive problem, in order to generate ideas that give standing to the change of attitudes and therefore our behavior are positive..