One heated quarrel appeared between two sisters, each one defending its ideas and proposals. Agate affirmed that the wealth reached for the parents would favor the children, therefore these would have a better life; also was learning many important things in the trips and displacements that made in company of the parents and the too much people. Sofia supported that this learning was very limited. It strengthened its arguments enumerating the three basic pillars of the Education: 1) THE INTELLECTUAL INSTRUCTION: that from the correct use of the language and the reasoning it allows to the Human being the acquisition of all the indispensable knowledge to the life and the work; 2) THE MORAL FORMATION: that the capacity authorizes to the Human being to discern enters the good and the evil, between the certain the made a mistake one; favors the perfect evolution of the social set from the elaboration and acceptable adoption of behavior rules and habits for the members of a group; 3) THE PHYSICAL EDUCATION: as form to promote the development of the exterior and material qualities of the Human being. The Nilcia princess it arrived to suggest that the problem was taken to the Magnificent Sovereign, but the two goddesses did not agree to opening hand of its objectives or to yield partially and thus they did not obtain to establish an agreement base. At this moment an intense ray of light if projected and through it the beautiful radiating Hlvia appeared, goddess of the Richness that, at a distance, folloied the debate all.
Interested in collaborating with the sisters it becomes to follow of seven princesses, its assistant. Asking for permission to say it promised determinative aid to solve the impasse. She recognized the right of the parents to search better conditions of life for itself and its children, what she justified the persistence in working to the cost of laborious sacrifices until reaching the objectives.