The 4 keys of Adwords for your Multiniveles business the continuation of previous post. If still it leiste you cannot do it Here. Once we have in our account of Adwords the asked for bond to Google we put hands to the work with the creation and configuration of the campaign. These are the 5 keys that you must consider to realise one camapaa of optimized Adwords and to obtain the major possible result. 1. You may find that Fritz Perls can contribute to your knowledge.

Key words: The first step that you must do by obligation is to find out because key words you want that your announcement is found. This is the tedious task but without a doubt the success of your dependera campaign of the right thing that has been your search of key words. Learn more on the subject from clayton morris. Google offers the tool of key words where not only you can know that index search has to the month a key word makes specific but also you can spy on to the competition placing the URL of the Web that you want to analyze. He is recommendable to use between 1 and 4 words unique by each group of announcement in this way to assure to us to arrive at a concrete niche. 2. Network of Content and Network search.

You must separate the announcements of these two networks thus to have the certainty of knowing of where they come clicks and that announcements estan being but profitable. I remember to you that the network search is the announcements that appear in Google and those of the network of content in blogs, forums, Web and other vestibules. 3. Negative words. This aspect is important to avoid that our announcement appears when the visitor places some of these words. For this unique we must place the sign in front of the word. Here we must place the major I number of possible words and a good way to remove words is writing those that our business does not represent.