In 1989, created for the Ministry of Science and Technology it is born the National Net of Education and Pesquisa (RNP). This net increased the number of hardwired nets, forming ' ' spine dorsal' ' of the future Internet in Brazil. In 1991, ' ' spine dorsal' ' it is inaugurated. But only professors, students and members associates could usufruct of this communication. The Brazilian government decides to open the Internet to the private commercial suppliers in 1995. With this, the access arrives at the Internet for the people in its houses.
Two years later, in 1997, a great investment in technology of advanced nets is initiated, being possible until the delivery of the Income tax saw Internet. In 1999, approximately 2,5 million people already had the access to the world-wide net of computers. The approach of the services to its users was the main and great change that the Internet provided to the world. This because the market found in the Internet a great possibility to expand horizontes, providing to the user easinesses in locomotion and purchase of determined products. Today it is possible to buy any product without leaving house and needing to go until the Store. You simply visualize the purchase for the monitor of its computer and she carries through it way on-line with payment through credit card or banking billet.
But the commerce branch was not alone that the Internet modified. The information search incrivelmente was facilitated, since the sites that give to services of notice on-line, forecast of the time, courses, reviewed, fruns are innumerable, among others. It can to carry through a research without needing to go until a Library and to occupy hours turning pages books; it can be cooked observing innumerable prescriptions in sites or blogs. By the way blogs is very popular and expresses different forms of the users if to communicate with easy and objective languages, also making possible that internautas gives its opinions and makes its commentaries. The evolution of the technologies does not cease, is continuous and increasing since the beginning of the history of the man. However, we can observe an acceleration in the rhythm of the innovations during century XX and with bigger intensity from years 90. Examples of this are the cellular ones that it has five years behind had the double of the size of the current ones and with little functions. Today, we have cellular of the size of the palm of the hand that takes off photographs and has access the Internet. Another example, is the hand computers, as Palms, iPAQs, handhelds (digital personal assistant), that they have incredible functions, allowing access to the Internet, videochamadas, TV, writing of videos, to hear musics in some formats, GPS (System of localization for satellite), communication infra-red ray for transferences of information and until is capable to execute specific programs. We can perceive that the evolution of the technologies that are our return is about a continuous process that never will cease. The evolution necessity is part of the nature human being and, ahead of this, we can be mere spectators, waiting the next evolution or can strengtheing in them in understanding and dominating the technologies, to participate of this process and benefiting in them of them. With this, we have a more dynamic society, in which the communication with services and users never was so interactive. The world never seemed so small.