With vegetable Omega fats promote health and maintain skin from the inside it is unmistakable, the summer is with power is just around the corner. The temperatures are rising, the Sun is shining and the spirits have awakened. You can again finally show more skin. Good looks is twice in the summer fun. There are of course various cosmetics for good looks. But is that all? Can be done effectively from inside at the same time something for health and good looks? Right, because the condition of the skin is also a reflection of the health and well-being of our body, so they say. With some natural products, such as about the plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid ALA, you can simultaneously do something good for the heart and circulatory system, and improve the condition of the skin. It’s long been known that a healthy diet can also positively affect a person’s physical appearance.

The skin becomes firmer and just healthier. American researchers have gone after this experience in a large study with over 4000 women and have tried to find out what nutrients for healthy skin tight could be responsible. To do this, they studied over several years very detailed the eating habits and the health of the skin by 4025 Americans of middle-aged. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) had a positive impact on the appearance of the skin. ALA is an omega-3 – fatty acid, which occurs only in vegetable oils, particularly common in linseed oil.

The researchers found that with ALA can be prevented from drying out and shrinking of aging skin, because it promotes the regeneration of the skin and at the same time dampens the natural processes of inflammation, which can lead to redness, inflammation and eczema. These anti-inflammatory properties are responsible also for other benefits of plant-based Omega-3 fatty acid. Particularly noteworthy is the ability of ALA to inhibit atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attack and stroke.