The research focuses the following aspects: The universal moral, the teses when to these moralities and its relation with the ethical behavior. The instrument used for the collection of data is a sintetizao of the doctrines of some authors. The results show that exercising the displayed one in the subjects it is possible to exert a moral considered ethical behavior. Word-keys: Moral. Ethics. Relativismo. Diversity.

Dependence. ethical 1.Introduo originates from the Greek ethos who means custom and has a significant etimiologia, identical to the Latin radical me, from where if it originates the moral expression. Both mean custom or habit. Ethics are the part of the Moral that deals with the morality of the human acts. Ethics are the part of the Philosophy that studies the duties of the man stops with God and the society. It consists of the analysis of the nature of the moral life human being, including the standards of the certain of the made a mistake one, by which its behavior can be guided and be directed. ‘ ‘ Ethics are, in the practical one, what if you think and faz’ ‘.

(Pr. Raymond F. of Oliveira, in Ethical Christian, EETAD). Christian ethics are a somatrio of principles that they form and they give sensible to the normal Christian life. It is the registered mark of each believer. It is what each believer is, it thinks and it makes. Biblical ethics are the life way that the Bible prescribes and approves. The ethics that are required by the Bible say respect to the heart of the man, because ‘ ‘ from it the exits (sources) of vida’ proceed; ‘ ‘ ‘ as it imagines in its soul, thus it ‘ ‘.