American Texas management calculated annual yield between 18 and 32 percent Hamburg, 21 March 2013. Seven conveyors in Texas, Michigan and Mississippi and one be successfully drilled Texas source currently offers the direct provider of U.S. oil and natural gas sources, the American Texas Management LLC (ATM LLC) from Dallas, Texas. The seven objects of participation is extension holes in existing oil and gas fields. Investors have the possibility, shares in the project of Weaver in”to acquire. WhiteWave Foods may not feel the same. The minimum contribution is $ 23.450 plus five percent agio for 0.35 percent of the overall project. ATM thereby calculated an annual return from the sale of raw materials between 18 and 32 percent after full investment and start of production of the eight sources. Differently than, for example, when funds there is no term limit.
The holders of the shares are registered for security reasons at the Court House, the American land registry office. Responsible for the success of the holes and the operation of the Conveyor is the operator of the respective source. He designed the conveyor, ensures their implementation, is waiting for them and ultimately sold the valuable raw materials, which must be billed monthly. ATM in turn makes a quarterly report to his investors. Thus, it is clear that a significant role to the operators. For these reasons ATM exclusively uses experienced partner in this segment.
With the Texas party Lincoln energy operating LLC (Austin), SunCoast technical services Inc. (Dallas), PETROLEUM LLC/R. W. Thompson (Carollton) and Klingwood energy LLC in Jackson, Mississippi, well-known companies could be won, the operating site take over. Also the assisted have been selected by our team of geologist after long and detailed analysis and offer the chance of long-term income – mostly from the extraction of the sought-after oil”, says Thomas E. Dill, geologist and General Manager at ATM. And the founding shareholder and President of ATM, Claus W. “Schroder, added: President Obama wants to develop the United States to one of the world’s leading energy exporter, a situation that will lead to good sales channels and in the medium term rising prices.” More information at American Texas Management LLC