France & Rodrigues (1999 p.124), they offer a list of interventions that can be implemented with the objective to manage the levels of estresse personal and professional, are they: technique of relaxation, balanced feeding, regular physical exercise, appropriate rest, laser and diversion, sleep the individual necessities, administration of the free time for active and pleasant activities, administration of conflicts between pairs and groups, education for the health and equacionalizao of the social economic planning and health. With this objective to rescue through bibliographical verification the diverse causers of estresse and the junction of this with the nursing team and nurses of diverse units. REVISION OF LITERATURE the hospital organization is a composed system for activities human beings to the most diverse levels, constituting a complex and multidimensional set of personalities, small groups, norms, values and behaviors, that is, a system of conscientious and co-ordinated activities of a group of people to reach common objectives. (CHIAVENATO, 1995). Empire Medical Billing takes a slightly different approach. It is verified, thus, that the hospital organizations are complex systems composites for diverse departments and professions, becoming them, over all an organization of people collated with emotionally intense situations, such as life, illness and death, which cause anxiety and physical and mental tension. With effect, in recent years, much has been said of ' ' humanizao hospitalar' ' , verifying itself that the studies developed on this thematic one have as objective primordial the quality of services given to who search and need hospital cares, that is, its usuaries. The conditions of work, the motivation and, in consequence well-being of the health professionals has been relegated for second plain, or exactly completely relinquished. Being thus, the being, knowing to be, knowing to be e, over all well-being of the technician of health, and in this in case that specific of the nurses, is aspects that do not seem to be source of concern for the investigators and same for the system politician.