The Letramento consists of to make social use of the reading and the writing and, this occurs when the child since early explores and lives deeply practical of reading and writing. Ahead of this, it fits to the professor to make possible this contact of the pupil with literature guiding? on as to make use of this written material. according to RCN, organizing the physical space of attractive and aconchegante form, with cushions, adjusted illumination, books of diverse sorts, different authors, magazines, histories in quadrinhos, periodicals, works of other children etc, being that the children must have free access to this space. In relation to the organization of the environment for Perrotti reading apud Maricato (2005, P.
26), defends that in contrast to a library for adults (silence and immobility), in the infantile library the children can circulate, speak and interact with the adult will help who it to find the way for the reading. A space in which the child has that to be quiet seated in the chair and without if relating with books she finishes professor of the USP in accordance with associating the reading to obligation and not to a pleasant act. Still in accordance with the author the respect for the interest of the small reader allows the association of the reading to the choice and to the infantile prazer.3.DesenvolvimentoLeitura and LetramentoO subject that we argue happens of our reflections, readings, studies, that had had as starting point the experience when developing an initiation work the reading with children in the alfabetizao process. At these moments, us we provided initially to the book manipulation on the part of the pupils: the children caught the book and they did not know to turn the pages conventionally and soon they caught another one, were not concentrated for much time in one same book. Ahead this fact we called attention of them for the visual details of the book.