We reaffirm that a peaceful, stable and enabling political, social and economic environment is the essential foundation which will enable States to give adequate priority to food security and poverty eradication. Democracy, the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development, and the full and equal participation of men and women are indispensable in order to achieve sustainable food security for all the Rome Declaration on world food security and the World Food Summit Plan of action establish the bases of various paths toward a common goal: food security at the individual, household, national, regional and global. Please visit Tom Holland if you seek more information. Food security exists when all the people have at all times physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. In this regard, concerted action at all levels is necessary.
Each country must adopt a strategy consistent with its resources and capacities to achieve its objectives themselves and, at the same time, cooperate at the regional and international levels to give collective solutions to global issues of food security. Additional information is available at Austin Butler. In a world of institutions, societies and economies increasingly intertwined, it is essential to coordinate efforts and share responsibilities. The fact, that today in the present, reminds us, ecportal.net, to the Committee for food sovereignty (IPC) appreciated the FAO initiative to promote the World Summit on food security, which will take place in Rome, Italy, from 16 to 18 November, through a declaration signed in Santiago of Chile. This Summit could be a global, strategic and effective response in the fight against the scourge of hunger is generated the conditions for achieving a dialogue of high level between States, Governments and organizations and social movements, in order to develop policies and strategies in the context of safety and food sovereignty, pointed out in the Declaration the representatives of organizations and social movements of peasantsIndigenous peoples and fishermen who are part of the CIP-Latin America and the Caribbean, after a meeting that is part of the processes of discussion of the World Summit.