It took much to Venezuela to assess the true dimension of this great humanist despite the fact that even before his death was created the international novel prize that bears his name. To the time of your death I had just 3 years of life but I remember already input the 1970s my father took us, whenever he could, to eat in a restaurant that had been established which was the home of Romulo Gallegos in Caracas urbanization of Altamira, House that it was later recovered and where, over timesettled and still operate the CELARG (Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos Romulo Gallegos). Returning back, to close the circle, said that many of the people that overlooked the anniversary of the death of Gallegos date during this Holy week should understand that somehow in his work also discusses them; and I say this not to sustain a position Orthodox and uncompromising, not because one must live anchored to a past, described brilliantly in the pages of his books, or watch for men and figures that shaped our present with their actions and work in the past; I say this because there is still much barbarism that conquer, much violence and much superstition and fantasy than defeat. In the Venezuelan llanos, and surely in many places in Latin America, people crowded beaches these days, in the streets, towns and villages across our continental geography, in all social classes, political castes and economic groups can see, without much effort, the vivid portrait of many of the archetypal characters with Romulo Gallegos filled with his work and that they portrayed the barbarity to overcome and I think that it is not necessary to have a look at the banks of the Orinoco and look at those huge black stones in the midst of the fierce current to, same as Santos Luzardo from the pages of Canaima, shout to the world: who said fear? because really who said fear?.