Their attractive majors are tie with the sea, between their beaches stand out those of Miramar and San Carlos, where it practices the eco-tourism, tourism nautical, cinegetic tourism, fishes, diving and golf among others. Economy Fishing is the most important activity and main source of income; with great capacity installed for capture, transformation and commercialization. It occupies to 11.800 people in the capture and other 325 they dedicate to aquaculture. It contributes the 70 percent of the state total fishing production, being the main captured species, the sardine, the shrimp and the calamary. One has 175 kilometers of the coast where important Bays like the one of Guaymas, Wolves, San Carlos and the Horseshoe form. The municipality counts with more of 83% of the wharves that operate in the State. The fleet is compound of 359 boats shrimp fishers, 32 sardineras, 3 escameras and 910 shallow-draft vessels, for a total of 1,304.

Agriculture is developed in a total surface of 42.291 hectares of which 22.000 hectares are located in the Yaquis communities and the valley of Guaymas counts on 17.296 hectares of irrigation and 2.995 hectares of humidity or weather. The main cultures are: wheat, soya, crtamo, maize, cotton and some vegetables and fruit trees like the pumpkin and the watermelon. Cattle ranch in the cattle activity, the bovine cattle ranch with 72.875 heads is most important, following the operation to him of goat cattle with 20.088 belly, birds and others smaller species. It trains the fishing industrial plant consists of 5 enlatadoras, 8 harineras and 12 congeladoras, all located in the Port of Guaymas. Also, in the Port of Guaymas, they operate 4 assembly plants, of which 2 are of the branch of electronic components, one of the dress and the other of automotive components. In the industry of the construction 32 companies exist that generally dedicate to the construction of houses and buildings and other 10 to the construction and repair of boats.