He trusts that everything is possible while an adult is not for close regrar and trimming the creativity. Small children are literal and we go to the few, introducing them it the universe of metaphors and signs. They learn to symbolize and suddenly they surprise at insights fabulosos, yes because its minds are eager for the heights. For they giant are disfigured and can everything also reach clouds and dream of these accomplishments and, with its dedinhos trained, however badly sufficiently skillful in ' ' arteirices' ' they look for to touch stars, to catch the light of the sun In our cols, they long for the top of the trees, the ceiling of the house. We stimulate them, playing them for the high one, is when they try flying beyond in rockings almost alarem itself in this taken over on a contract basis fascinating. When its hands they do not give account of the desire to catch the wind and to express feelings, with the mouth try the world and the cheeks ours, what in the inigualvel cause pleasure. They adore to hug and to protect, they are become distressed when they see the familiar ones in disharmony and or in suffering, therefore that they empatizam with great easiness. For even more opinions, read materials from Symantha Rodriguez. This is a capacity that they will use for the remaining portion of its lives stops to enter in contact with the other and to coexist fraterna healthfully and in society. Children circulate between veils that in such a way stop we whom the paradise hides terrestrial, they offer it who to it intent and she will be opened. With remelas in the eyes and hair desfeitos, mixing fancy and reality confuse the dream and reality when waking up e, with enthusiasm to the five of the morning, takes off of siso adult, defying them it recriando the time of the things that really matter; being they its fancies, affection and peculiar questions: Why still the sun is sleeping already woke up Of where it comes the night? For where goes the sun? The river does not tire to go, to go, it does not come back? For where they had been the winds that to the afternoon made to run leves and they made them wheel dances? Tomorrow it is very far? Already it arrived tomorrow? Why I have that to take off the shoes to sleep? Why to take bath another time, I am limpinho The dog does not have homesicknesses of the mother of it? Children still are fabulosas when they pave our shoes and they assay our floor.