If it does not have as to live without it, then, we need good politicians. Here it is the problem! The good Politics has that to be atrelada to the good Politician. That one must be connected the people, the Ethics and, the basic necessities to support the life in Society. That one has imperfections, however they do not have to never surpass the Rightnesss. After all, it is paid for this.

To choose for example, one politician whom it knows less than the people and does not have the minimum notion of the problems of the society is double dullness. Of the voter and the elect one. Or somebody would travel comfortably in an airplane where ' piloto' but it understands to kill sparrow? To know to be Leader is essential to one Politician. To understand of Politics is the basic one. Flat to say, but the majority of the young does not like Politics. Not by chance, comumente they and the parents are to see novels instead of observing a section in the chamber of its city and to know a little more in who voted. Citizenship? Yes. It interests? But, ' Politics so that it needs? Politics for who needs Politics? Who needs? ' The Man.

Why? At least to live better and really to enjoy of the statute of being a Rational Being. E, if everything starts in the Education of this politicized Being, that such some assemblies to be organized in schools or facultieses? Without those flags ridicule, superficial appeals, pamphlets that make dirty the streets, without racket! Cordial. Without shouts, with debates, intelligence. What such also, the schools to place in the grating of the third year of the medium, lessons of basic slight knowledge of the area of Right young them to have conscience of some of its Rights and Duties, independently are gone to be lawyers or not? It is probable that this type of Politics not interest to some ' polticos'. ' verdadeiro' Politician exists? Yes, however it needs to demonstrate why he was elect. ' are not only we come we, but the people also waits, your will prtica'. ' ' The man is in the vision of Aristotle an animal politician. What it does not want to say that left of being an animal, everything will go to depend on its aes.' '