With the increasing ambient concerns very argued currently the world-wide level, the concepts of Support and Sustainable Development had become the great focos of debate politician. This concern was perceived clearly, for example, in the expressive voting gotten for the candidate to the presidency of the republic of Brazil, Marina Hisses (Left Green) in the last elections. However, what, in fact, it would be a Sustainable Development? Speaking specifically of the Amaznia, vision would be possible to reach the Development according to ' ' romntica' ' in the molds suggested for some theoreticians and ambientalistas? The question is more complex of what let us can imagine. After all, it has a great dispute of interests between the great farming producers that they yearn for more productive lands and the ones that defend the aboriginal preservation of the forests and areas. The Development has that to be seen as a set of factors, is social, financial, cultural, and not mere as one economic growth that will not be sustainable a posteriori. We must analyze the historical process of the Amazon region.
In the past, the Amaznia was victim of a model of not-sustainable development, in the molds of the exploration of resources proposal for Hayami and Ruttan, model this that if did not worry about the renewal of the natural resources and that it contributed, in part, to devastar immense forest areas. Today, still under strong influence of the Green Revolution, that spread out the use of tip technologies and maquinrio weighed, the Amaznia is seen as the area to be explored by great agriculturists and pecuaristas that are seen, in its conceptions, limited productively speaking, for the limitation of areas of ambient preservation and aboriginal. Finally, a Sustainable Development in the Amaznia in them seems a distant dream the short-term one. Drastic changes in the public politics and the form to educate the people are requisite basic so that let us can in the future start to develop of sustainable form, and therefore to repair mazelas generated per years and years of pure devastao and indiscriminate use of the natural resources of the Amazonian Forest. Let us think about this! For I fall Mendes (Pupil of the Course of Medicine Veterinary medicine of the Agricultural Federal University of the Amaznia)