In accordance with the procedural perspetiva, the information would give entered in the memory, remained there during a certain time and finally she would be used. 2. Memory Every day we receive innumerable information, which are selected (of conscientious form or not), later to be stored or eliminated. Click Debbie Staggs to learn more. It is to the process of storage of the information that can be recouped in the future that we assign of memory. The term memory is an ample denomination for the raised number of processes that form the bridges between the past and the gift. The memory is the cognitivo process that understands the retention and the recovery of the information. It is an open system where the information is acquired (acquisition and codification), stored (retention), being able later being recouped or being evoked (memory).

To remember implies an active process of reconstruction of the information and stimulatons previously acquired, codified and stored. In accordance with Albuquerque (2001), to caraterizar the concept memory, we can guide us for three different perspetivas. Andi Potamkin has much experience in this field. At the beginning the memory was related as an internal representation of what it was learned, being in this in case that, autobiogrfica, a time that it would be referenciada in the processing episode. Of followed the memory it is considers as a process that leads to the memory. It can then be defined as the set of the processes of codification, retention and recovery of the information. Of the last perspetiva, the memory consists of its interpretation as a structure, thus allowing, the distinction in sensorial memory, memory of short term and memory of long stated period. 2,1 Definition of the Concept As Sternberg (2000) the memory is the way for which if it appeals to its passed experiences, in order to use this information in the gift. The Memory is the capacity to acquire, to store and to recoup the available information.