Knowing that every action cause an effect always one can mention that the effects or impacts of globalization are the following: A marked inequality in the world. The privatization of government agencies. Revenues on Customs by reducing the possibility of investing in social and educational works at the level of poor countries will be lost with free trade agreements. A new colonization by powerful countries is given since they rely third world countries to provide financing. Decline of economies making them weak economies in developing countries.
Participation of international capital into weak economies further reducing its economic maintenance since the income of these companies will give accounts of their partners in other countries. Few people are the owners of a large percentage of companies. Improvement of the quality of products due to the increase in the offer of products. Dynamic change of technology which facilitates their acquisition. 2.Facilidad to perform commercial transactions. All these variants that induces globalization which becomes a process that not be halted even if countries want to because that becomes a duty and responsibility to keep economies strengthened.
Political consequences of globalization political situations in countries are crucial to Excel in the midst of an economy of fear in domestic and international investment, so that its importance is fluctuates in the Government mandates of each country. The consequences that impact on third world countries according to analyzed in the Honduran country channelled as follows: (applicable to all economies flimsy) high levels of corruption. Mismanagement of government resources. Realization of projects of the State through their own interests. The production is reduced at the nation level arises the fortification relations with other countries by reducing each country’s sovereignty in high degree. Increase in the level of donations to needy countries. Political intervention of the world powers in countries with weak economies. Release of borders by promoting the delivery of visas.