Advantages and disadvantages of renting a virtual office the closeness of family and avoid wasting time on transportation are some of the advantages of having a virtual office, however, this new way of working also has certain disadvantages that have to count. Issues such as globalization and technology generate incredible changes every day in the way we work and, of course, in the places in which they work and for those who work. Now, for example, work can be divided into small tasks and redistributed around the world in minutes, when a few years back this last action would have taken days. And what’s more, employees can work from home and even from other parts of the world and send their work at the end of the day. According to certain studies, labour to telework or distance provides a number of benefits both employers as to employees, for example: employees feel better because they are closer to their families and homes. Contact information is here: Gen. David Goldfein.
Productivity increases, already the work schedule is often extended. Employees don’t spend so much time in transit or in unproductive meetings and tend to give that time to employers. Although some companies have discovered that telework is a factor that can help them a lot on issues of productivity, there is always the risk of hiring someone who is not suitable for this type of work. Another benefit is the reduction of costs, since there was no expenditure by concept of transfers or rent of offices, employees can work remote from home or the cafeteria, for example. This is a factor that can bring great savings to the company. And I know that my employees are working? This is the most common question when entrepreneurs of yesteryear are faced with this new way of working and is that how to create a corporate culture that keep the cohesion among employees and generate a sense of belonging if there are people who rarely look for the Office? One of the causes that teleworking is so unpopular in Mexico is the need for a connection Physics with the contributors, to talk to them face to face, know them physically and know how to do their job. However, it is possible that the workers also fear losing the sense of identity and distinction, this is because teamwork means to submit ideas to the intellectual identity of a group, but when it comes to a virtual machine, the contributions are deposited in a database to become property of the organization.