It is used when there is no shut-off or broken insulation. Learn more at this site: Craig Jelinek. The most commonly used method of injection – introduction cracks and capillaries of special water-repellent compounds. Quality requirements for conducted to protect against moisture actually fulfilled its objectives, its performance must be very high. Achieve such a result is possible only if the following two conditions: – insulation of underground facilities shall be designed and competently executed by professionals in this area – water-proofing materials should be adjusted individually to a specific object, the maximum help to solve the tasks and have excellent performance. Insulating materials for waterproofing Today cellars use different materials that can be combined according to the principle of action: – membrane or roll – easy to install, waterproof form a protective barrier – penetrating (piercing) – take chemical reaction with concrete, and water soluble compounds and provide penetrating into the capillaries and pores in the walls, pushing moisture – obmazochnoy (mastic, a polymer-bitumen materials) – after the surface treatment and frozen form a strong waterproof protective layer.

In this regard, we offer you the best solutions on the market of waterproofing materials. We produce materials for waterproofing basements, car parks, subway stations and other underground structures. All products are manufactured according to GOST, complies with international quality standards and has a high moisture resistance. Waterproofing The masonry walls tends to absorb moisture and leak. In case of contact with the ground saturated with moisture stone structures, water can penetrate into the basement, and from there to reach the living quarters, becoming cause dampness, mold, mildew.

Other causes of excess moisture in the building of a building may be uneven pressure of the soil, the shrinkage at home, exposure to chemical substances in soil water. To protect house from moisture is needed waterproofing the walls. To do this, today there are various techniques and materials. Most of the materials with which by waterproofing the walls, can be divided into three groups: made on the basis of expanding cements; material having a penetrating effect; operating on the principle of waterproofing membranes. One of the most inexpensive and effective ways – horizontal waterproofing the walls. To carry out its implementation trimming walls in a horizontal plane, and then fill the resulting gap waterproof material. Another method – the injection of fluids, which block capillary wall, or make them hydrophobic. Sometimes used in vertical waterproofing of walls: it prevents the penetration of moisture from a wall inside or outside the building. But this method, unfortunately, does not limit the leak moisture with height. Most often as a result of the vertical wall waterproofing observed increase moisture content of the walls and create all conditions for the emergence of fungi.