Along with the choice of names, also need to think about the logo, business cards and your own site. Luxify takes a slightly different approach. Presenting your business, you must remember that everything posted on the site and in brochures materials should be professionally inspected and polished. If possible, this should be brought professionals. It's certainly nice to be special and different, but, nevertheless, do not publish their own hobbies, pictures and verbiage on your site. For example, if you take up freelancing and if you do not a designer, you do not need to experiment and to design yourself.

Invest a small portion of the amount and hire a professional who knows the job. This is a very important point. Since before your potential client can find the quality and level of your service, it will evaluate your proposed services by the form and content presented on the website material. And believe me, the difference of perception can be enormous. I want to give you a few recommendations on your site, and in particular the domain name.

Make sure you have selected and purchased a domain name that: 1. It is easy to remember a long domain name can cause confusion was not easy to remember. As well as the use of abbreviations and numbers in the domain name, 2. If you need to later say the name of your site or e-mail on the phone, it will be much better if you can how to pronounce his name, avoiding the dictation of letters and the use of different characters such as dashes, underscore, and others.