3. poorly-defined interfaces to the providers cause process risks: is one of the main weaknesses identified by ardour of offshoring projects, that the existing skills and resources of the company concerned the interfaces to the partners in the target countries not precisely managed via enough leave. But just when the software maintenance and development tasks very critical coordination and organization conditions arise quickly. Therefore great emphasis to be launched, that between two sides compatible conditions, which allow a requirement-compliant control of processes. 4.
loss of business-strategically important know-how: the business applications today undoubtedly belong to the basic and critical core of undertaking, because they influence the competitive Quality of business processes. According to deep competence must exist here. Outsourcing of application management produces a gradual loss of know-how, which again can be compensated in case of need only over a longer time line. This also includes the option of a return of these outsourced functions would largely the doors are locked or rebuilt again own know-how. 5.
internal optimization potentials remain untapped: application management of the problem is undoubtedly characterized that are the most numerous applications in mutual dependencies and their networking is not transparent enough. This mix of complexity, lack of transparency and business dynamics has the agility, companies today need. But the question whether service providers can offer a more effective approach to the solution of the problem inevitably arises. Experience of ardour, shows on the contrary that internally often considerable potential for the Efficiency improvement lie fallow. Their systematic activation with positive quality and cost effects eliminates outsourcing. About ardour Consulting Group: The ardour Consulting Group (www.ardour.de), is a consulting boutique specializing in the topics of application management and sourcing. It is a team with a common understanding of sustainable consulting. Consisting of experienced employees with excellent professional qualifications the for the IT team responsible executives. The ardour Consulting Group’s core competencies include: application management (design and implementation of strategic, tactical and operational IT processes and organizational structures); Development and implementation of tailored and sustainable sourcing strategies; Enterprise Architecture Management, to support the business objectives and the business model through an adequate IT landscape; Project portfolio and value management to demonstrate the value proposition of IT as well as to be able to make better and more objective investment decisions. Think factory groupcom GmbH Wilfried Heinrich Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 2233 6117-71