General information about contextual advertising Contextual advertising – is a paid text ads that appear on the page after the introduction of a search engine specific keywords and phrases. That is, contextual advertising is displayed when the Internet looking for something specific. Therefore, contextual advertising – is one of the best ways to attract to your site visitors. For example, you write in the search for "buy fabric" – together with links to the sites in accordance with the needs of contextual advertising appears. This type of online advertising is a great way to promote websites.
Advertising – sites that do not always stand to be an indication that this advertising! Contextual advertising is on niche sites for making web sites and search resources: Yandex, Rambler, Google, etc. Advertising that is placed on search sites, called the search advertising. Contextual advertising can be: – a text – that is, short text ads that appear on the resource. Ads are links. By clicking on them, you get to the site – Banner – this accommodation Internet advertising in the form of banners (pictures) page. Placed banner ads on content resources, banner networks and mailing lists. All types of content are individually effective methods of promotion as well as the establishment of sites for the key, but if you want to significantly increase the prominence of the business to potential buyers, it is best to combine different types of content.
Significant advantage of internet advertising to ads placed on television, radio, etc. – It is a relatively low cost. Of course, the best result you want to achieve, the greater the need to pay for advertising campaign. Ordering contextual advertising, you pay for clicks on your links. In addition, you are entitled to set the price per click. The higher the price – the more profitable place you occupy in the search engine on Compared with its competitors. That is, there should be an analysis of your market segment. If you are a highly specialized activity, it is not necessary to give a lot of money in website design portfolio or to advantageous location of contextual advertising. Consider the features of contextual advertising in popular search engines: – Runner – the resource began to place ads before anyone else – in 2002. Runner has one feature – placing ads here, you place it, not only in search engines, that is, not all visitors will be targeted. But there is a convenient service – targeted, that is, advertising in accordance with certain constraints (eg, region). Runner provides the ability to automatically move to the lucrative advertising space – that is, the system will raise the price to click until advertising will not take a better place. Search system provides nine ways to deposit, including using WebMoney. – Yandex – advertise since 2003, showing only her own search. To date, Yandex is the most popular search system in Russia. A free targeting cities and three ways to recharge, including through its own programs Yandex. – Google AdSense is also working with 2003. Is the most popular advertising platform in Europe. You can post only the text contextual advertising. In this system, you can put filters on your site to stop the flow of unsolicited advertising. If your ad is viewed in month more than 20 million times, you can count on additional services: technical support, site optimization, and others.