It is in this direction where David Brading affirms that: when the news of revolutions American and French had slowly started to be known, the educated Creoles had started to consider the possibility of independence … the separation of Spain could be based on arguments that if made echo of the doctrines of the French revolution and American … had immediately appeared the problems when the Creoles had wanted to delineate the borders of the future States. But they were conscientious of its identity of Americans, different of the American Spaniard (Brading, 1995, 07-08) Unprovided of an ideal joined that them in a homogeneous agreement, they had been obliged to call itself Columbian, Mexican, pratense river and bolivian. With the absence of this homogeneous spirit the rivalries between the provinces had threatened, readily, the existence of these new republics that if were constituting. The national identities of the new Republics were would decide. A direction of homogeneous people did not exist, only obtained to recognize in what they were not, for example its neighbors, what it incited the regional disputes in the interior of the provinces. This happened because the masses, as much of peasants how much of the cities, were constituted by poor indians, blacks, mulatos, mestizos and whites, and that the Church treated to keep its carefully unchanged ethnic quality. It did not have, in this way, a miscegenation of the feelings. What it made possible that the projects, as much of liberal how much of conservatives, for the constitution of a State Nation, supported in the democratic and republican principles inspired by the European ideals, found in America a fertile land for the development of its ideas.