It is destined the population that lives in situation of decurrent fragility of the poverty, absence of income, precarious or null access to the public services or embrittlement of affective bonds (etrias, ethnic discriminations, of sort or for deficiencies). This Protection foresees the development of services, programs and local projects of shelter, convivncia and socialization of families and individuals, as identification of the situation of presented vulnerability. These services and programs will have to include the people with organized deficiency and being in net, in order inserilas in the diverse offered actions. The Eventual Benefits and the Benefits of Prestao Continuada (BPC) compose Basic the Social Protection, given the nature of its accomplishment. Basic the Social Protection acts for intermediary of different units. Amongst them, the Centers of Reference of Assistncia Social are distinguished (CRAS) and net of directed socioeducativos services for specific groups, amongst them, the aged Centers of Convivncia for children, young and. (data of MDS, 2011). The CRAS acts as the main door of entrance of the Only System of Social Assistance (Its), given its capillarity in the territories and is responsible for the organization and offers of services of Basic the Social Protection in the areas of vulnerability and social risk.
Beyond offering services and action of basic protection, the CRAS possesss the function of territorial management of the net of basic social assistance, promoting the organization and the joint of the referenciadas units it and the management of the involved processes in it. The main service offered for the CRAS is the Service of Protection and Integral Attendance to Famlia (PAIF), whose execution is obligator and exclusive. This consists of a work of continued character that aims at to fortify the protetiva function of the families, preventing the rupture of bonds, promoting the access and fruition of rights and contributing for the improvement of the quality of life.