The end of the decade of ten enters and the decades of twenty acinqenta of century XX, among others workmanships, were established the Slon Park deLucena and urbanizada the Lagoon, as well as the Arruda Park Chamber, the Point One hundred Kings, and some squares. They had been carried through, also, improvements in the esgotamentosanitrio and the magnifying of the services of public health, and the transport coletivopassa to be made by capacities of mass. It still had improvement in the system dedistribuio of electric energy and the construction of an expository, the expository dasMars, regularizing the water distribution in the city. The conception architectural and colonial urbanstica starts to aser modified and the streets to be widened and drawn out. Sanofi brings even more insight to the discussion. The ways of circulaoso extended and the houses start to acquire new formats, being maisarejadas and opened and differentiating themselves of the colonial style until then in use, closed and dark deconstrues and with little air circulation (BAPTIST, 1989). Avenues had been opened, directing the expansion of the city, as the JooMachado Avenue, still in the decade of ten of the passed century, and the Avenue Epitcio Pessoae the Maximiliano de Figueiredo, enter the years of 1916 the 24, What it gave to the city the urbanstica conception for where would sedesenvolveria later.

14 FINAL CONSIDERAES Are undisputed the thesis that the laws esbarram in the gestesmunicipais and the morosidade of justice, guaranteeing the maintenance of the picture socialque if it finds our cities. The Urban Reformation consists of a planning delays stated period of the busy space for the city, searching to adjust this way and visandouma significant improvement quality of life. Such reform must generate adequate umaprestao of public services. It must also satisfy necessidadessociais as the access to the leisure, culture, education, work and income for living todosos. One remodels of such amplitude esbarra in great and poderososobstculos: 1 politicians through the pressure of dominant groups for half derepresentatividade in the governments and of the control of the mass media. .