The proper connivent authors with the disharmony of the production and preservation, or, aiming at the increase of the production of registered knowledge create, appeared in century XVII, a new product: periodic scientific. First periodic that if has the notice is the Journal de Sanvans established for the Frenchman Denis de Sallo whose first fascicle was published in 5 of January of 1665, in Paris. Of Sallo ' justified the publication of its Journal saying; ' For the relief of that they are very indolent or very busy to read books inteiros' '. Less than three messes after the publication of the Journal, the periodic one appeared as, of this time in London. Established for a group of English, on philosophers ROYAL SOCIETY it was different of the molds French, call of Philophiacal Transactions, if it dealt with registered scientific experiences.
With some advance which was propitiated by periodic the scientific one had appeared other elements as, reports technician, works in congresses, official, material documents not-bibliographical e, currently, electronic publications, in diverse supports (in half electronic, paper among others) with function of (to inform, to get reactions, to register authorship, etc.). When passing of the years the control of the intellectual production became if each more complex time, an joined solution was to the institutionalization of the bibliographical control, since the decade of 1970, the IFLA – together with UNESCO – had developed the known program as UBC* with objective to unify, to standardize and to simplify, in efficient way, the registers of the bibliographical production of all the countries, materialize an international net of information. However, in diverse areas of the knowledge the documents are generated, produced and discarded fitting few to organize, to spread, to preserve and to recoup. With this, it had the necessity of prescribed, in formal way, organization of the production them texts and until a same standardization of the structure, in order to identify diverse produced documents to them of facilitated form, to use itself as information source creates a standard for production of periodic, books, etc.