When entering in the school the responsibility to implement and to develop the taste and the acquisition of the reading and writing starts to be of the professor, what not exempt the parents of the participation in this new stage of the life of educating. For accomplishment of this study visits to the domiciles of the educandos had been made to search to understand the real relation of educating with its familiar in relation practical pertaining to school in special the Reading and Writing. Of research ahead carried through it is perceived that the majority of the parents does not follow the pertaining to school life of children, does not promote habits of studies in house nor so few habits of reading. For the child, the father is the mirror and if this father does not have habits to read, to write, among others, the child hardly will oppose it. Already the father whom if he differs or that he stimulates at least it to this practical, will despertar in the child the interest for learning. (New School 2001).
It is important to have in mind the adults who participate of the life of the child have basic paper in the learning of the reading and writing. Therefore it is important and necessary that they are reading models, that read frequently for the child and that they introduce the reading in its life more early possible. The ENVOLVEMENT OF the FAMILY IN the PERTAINING TO SCHOOL LIFE OF the PUPIL the envolvement of the parents in the pertaining to school life of the children he has been pointed as main factor of success as for the academic development of the pupil. Thus becoming the family as extremely important institution in the learning process. Leaving of research that focuses the envolvement of the parents in the education as a resource for the pertaining to school success, educational politics have stimulated the School-Family partnership, and the schools that they develop this partnership has gotten resulted extremely entertainers.