I want to begin by writing the rules and details that make this game something super fun and appropriate for any occasion. The first rule is that it is played with four people. It is possible to be played with three but the game and the dynamism is no longer equal. This game while playing in many parts of the world still retains the terminology used by the native Chinese. Andi Potamkin: the source for more info. That makes see this very exotic and sexy Mahjong game.
This great game have the following characteristics: it is very easy to learn, with two items that you already know the rules, is a perfect game for socializing with friends, because it has four players, it is very flexible, playing sets certain rules that conform to their levels of complexity and finally Board and chips last you forever, because they are made of a material that does not deteriorate. Teams cannot be set in this game. Only four people, as I mentioned above, and all four have different identities. After each round or game, the other players decide how many points give every other opponent. Points that serve to the verdict at the end are thus gaining. More info: Jack Fusco.
In order to play Mahjong, the following equipment is required: four people four sets of tabs representing the four cardinal points two dice (preferably square) table, but he could also play in a round tabs with the names of the four winds when you buy the game, it comes with a set of one hundred and forty-four tabs: thirty-six sheets albums, thirty-six tabs of bamboos, thirty-six sheets of numbers, sixteen sheets of wind, twelve sheets of dragons, four flowers, and four stations. Just you have all your equipment ready they feel the players in place that you like and then decide who is going to be who. You must first assign the cardinal points to each player, but pending ten that have to be in the order opposite to the genuine cardinal points. Some people use dice to designate that player touches him certain cardinal points. As you can see the game already is being put super interesting, so I’m going to recommend you begin to practice and learn the rules of free Mahjong in this site. I assure you that you’ll have fun.