for the protection of the flame retardants used materialv wood choice depends on the diameter of the log desires and financial capabilities of the customer, the climatic conditions and seasonality of operating at home, as well as the requirements for the external aesthetics of log houses. In addition to the thickness of the logs, another important indicator of the aesthetic to the use of timber is its knotty. In pine at the bottom of the barrel there is little knots, so the most expensive, but better quality, is the so-called butt saw cut – the bottom 6-8 m of the trunk. In Russia most common is the round log profile, the so-called round wood, in addition, you can use the round timber with Protestants, that is, on one edge protesannoe the inside of the timber. But keep in mind that this is very time-consuming work, leading to higher costs of the framework. In Scandinavia, are widely used logs hewn on two edge. The walls are actually straight from the outside and inside, but it is not lost aesthetics manual felling at home.

The first operation to prepare logs for log production – his barking and redoubt. Cleaning the logs of bark, usually performed without the use of power tools. Redoubt, by contrast, is done with using electric planers. At the moment the new technologies of debarking logs without damaging the sapwood and subsequent outposts. Sapwood – the upper, most dense layer of wood, which is protective. Preservation of this layer can reduce the formation of cracks and other defects to avoid the wood.

Most often, barking at the balance beam are small areas with minor damage to inner bark of wood. After drying, the cork darkens and acquires a log for not planed logs peguyu color. Some customers refuse to outposts logs for this characteristic of color and to avoid damage to the fibrous structure of the tree.