Group ALBOR-COHS becomes 1er. off-carriage equipment of Educative and Clinical Psychologists assigned to a Europe University. The day the 9 of May Chief of a main directorate of the Group ALBOR-COHS, Dra. ngela Magaz Lake, signed an Agreement of Academic Cooperation with the University Fernando Pessoa of Portugal, represented by her magnificent Director Prof. Salvato Wheat. By virtue of this agreement Group ALBOR-COHS becomes the first off-carriage equipment of professionals of Psychology and the Education with character of Academically Assigned Institution to an European University. This new academic situation offers an extraordinary opportunity to all the professionals and students trained in Group ALBOR-COHS: the access to two official degrees, with 120 ECTS, within the framework of the European Space of Education Superior: Official Masters in Clinical Psychology and dela Health Official Masters in Psychology of the Education and Communitarian Intervention In this way two values are combined essential in the formation and professional update of all the psychologists: the quality of a formation distributed by professionals in exercise, with a history of 25 Promotions, and the academic endorsement of an European University Masters. All professional of psychology needs a solid conceptual model that allows him to include/understand the human conduct in all the contexts in which it takes place: educative, familiar, labor, This Masters includes an operative conceptual model like foundation of four pillars: conceptual model, protocols of evaluation, strategies of analysis of the conduct, programs of intervention and strategies of design, development and pursuit of individualized plans.
An opportunity to update the professional curriculum, completing it with an official formation that gives access to the work like psychologist in the sanitary scope, by virtue of recently approved Law 5/2011 of 29 of March. Group ALBOR-COHS has formed already to more of a thousand of professionals of Psychology and Education, with own programs of formation, guaranteed by University Centers and of Formation: Foundation Courses of Summer of the University of the Basque Country; University the International Menndez Pelayo; Institute Superior of Formation of the Teaching staff, Investigation and Educative Innovation, of the Ministry of Education, Plan GARATU of formation of the teaching staff in the Basque Country, University Marcelino Champagnat, University Fernando Pessoa and other many throughout its trajectory. The dedication, passion, independence, cooperation, and their international vocation constitutes the pillars of the quality that offer in all services. For more information: Group ALBOR-COHS C/ Magallanes, 3, 48903 Barakaldo, Bizkaia, Tel: 944850497, Email: cohs@ Web: About Group ALBOR-COHS: Group ALBOR-COHS is an independent organization that offers Psychological and Educative Services, founded in 1983. At the moment a team of 25 professionals develops the projects of the Group in four divsiones: Consultation, Formation, Investigation and Publications. In our psico-educative clinics we worked with a scientific model that allows to control each process of personal change and learning of abilities, fitting it to the preferences and the philosophy of life of each client, with provable results.