Marina Hisses, the candidate to the Presidency of the Republic in 2010 that it took the elections for as turn, with more than 20 million votes, wrote an article where detaches the strategical importance of the environment: it is in the nucleus of the decisions where economic, social, ambient and cultural aspects are indissociveis. It is necessary to think about all these terms while development model. Ahead of the most serious crisis of the global heating, Marina standes out in the importance to search what it has in common between different chains of interests. our proper survival and of our planet is what better they represent this identity. Countries, institutions, companies and individuals depend now on the capacity of adaptation and the revision of concepts.

Now only it has place for sustainable economies and clean technologies. I imagine that it mentions itself to a economic Darwinismo: the species most suitable to the new environment will only survive. The population is intent and more demanding, it wants to know if a product cause damages to the environment. ' ' demands ethics of the market and the power poltico' ': it pressures to change the logic of the model of destructive development. ' ' To preserve the environment is not mere romantismo' '.

the companies already know that without support, the profit will not be the same. It is necessary to adopt a new code of social and ambient insertion (I observed that marina always respected the citation order ' ' social' ' in first place, not forgetting the importance the dimension human being it problem). Marina standes out the biggest obstacle to the required structural changes: the resistance of the power politician to the popular desire. They prioritize the easy fast growth to the assumed commitments (if it is that it assumes some commitment, I think I). But the politicians keep the rhetoric for the preservation of the nature! He cites the retrocession in the National Congress, in regards to the Brazilian Forest Code: the presumption confrontation between environment and production farming. conclama the population to charge of the politicians a revision of its concepts, so that they do not bring retrocession to the ambient legislation. For coincidence, I attended a set of documents on Tim Butcher, author of the book ' ' River of Sangue' ' (Blood River). It approaches the disastrous settling of the Congo for Belgium, between centuries XIX and XX. The greed for ivory, rubber, ores and other wealth of Africa had led to a surprising ambient devastao. But one interviewed flame attention to that it could pass unobserved: while many hours had been dedicated to the destruction of the habitat and elimination of gorilas of that country, much little divulged of the genocide and sufferings of that people who still suffers the serious effect of the ambient devastao. But the importance of the social dimension did not pass unobserved in the article of Marina Hisses, while essential element of relative the power to decide process to the management of the support. In blog of the author, one link for the substance complete of Veja.