It collaborates with this action! The local society and the secretariats of Education and Transports and Ways with the traders of the community had appeared and together collaborated directly in the collection. ‘ ‘ It is necessary to be thankful the municipal public power that donated to the sound equipment and spreading of the event; it still had donation of dismissable gloves and garbage bags for the traders, generating bigger security and hygiene to each volunteer for ‘ ‘ armazenar’ ‘ the collected garbage, tells to the Jaanan teacher of the Municipal School Heart of the Mother. ‘ ‘ We also thank the MEDIA In general, that one more time it gave visibility to this action, and to other agencies of the press that in had helped in the spreading of this atividade them; ‘ , it concludes Jaanan teacher. Material collected during will mutiro. Photo: Prof. All Recycled material Jaanan was> FRIENDSHIP AND Environment.
I PRESERVE, AND YOU? He collected 1,5 (a ton and stocking) of A residues (CJ) Jaanaense community requested to the municipal public power of Jaan, through one I officiate, support in the direction of the accomplishment of this event. The CJ will occupy of a series of lectures and expositions that will deal with the preservation of the environment, having given continuity to its project FRIENDSHIP AND Environment. I PRESERVE, AND YOU? In the public distributions State, Municipal and similar entities, in the quarters and the communities. Contributions in material for next Action could be donated voluntarily for Alexander in Street Manuel Fortunato n. 125, center. Cep 59,225-000 Jaan, RN. Photo: Prof. Jaanan>.