For the tourist who puts himself actively to travel around the whole of Switzerland, is a series of pre-purchase tickets Swiss Pass. These tickets give right of way to any vehicle on the Swiss trams, buses, trolleybus, train, ships and some cable car. On special tourist routes (like Jungfraujoch or Grindelvald) they give some sikdku; also have to pay (sometimes at a discount of up to 50%) lifts in the mountains. Swiss Pass Swiss Pass can be divided into ordinary and Flexi. The difference is that usually operates every day in a row from a certain date, and Flexi you can choose the days themselves, such as buying a ticket for 4 days it can be any four days within a month.
However, these tickets are more expensive than usual. In addition You can not go alone, and at least a couple – then you can get an additional 15% discount on each ticket, but will always go together. If you are under 26 years – you will have more chance to save 25% with a ticket Swiss Youth Pass. Swiss Pass is sold in 4, 8, 15, 22 days or 1 month. The greater the amount of days – the cheaper the cost of one day trip. Prices can be found in Section Tickets on Swiss Halbtax Another option: Swiss Half Fare Card (Halbtax). This card allows you to pay only half price tickets most routes. Validity period is 1 month.
Price: 99 francs. These tickets are also at 1, 2 and 3 years, but it is relevant only for those who want to live here. These cards are sent in the community and price starts from 150 francs. Buy these tickets at ticket offices at the station.