Planning For Pregnancy: The Basic Steps To The Emergence Of The Baby
Step One To begin to discuss their plans with their spouse. Phrase: 'Darling, I would so like to have had three ' does not always work. A husband can decide what you want to diversify your sex life. Talk to loud and clear – say, really want a child. If a spouse did not initially set up to these major changes in your life, it is desirable to prepare for this conversation. For example, sighed, talking about his pregnant girlfriend either buy a magazine, 'My child' and leave it in plain view.
Step Two After the adoption of joint solutions is the time to deal with their own health. First need to go to a gynecologist. A good specialist, leafed through your medical card will be able to find out all about abortion, previous pregnancy, and contraceptive methods. It also might be interested in your lifestyle, the available and transferred the disease. If necessary, it can appoint additional tests or refer you to other professionals: for example, if, if you want to combine a planned pregnancy with an allergy, you should go to an allergist. All women planning conceiving a child, you need to make a general urinalysis, complete blood count, blood chemistry, as well as swabs and blood tests for genital infection.
To clarify the status of internal genital organs to carry out ultrasound (U.S.). Then, doctors recommend visiting a therapist, whose task – to identify and treat chronic diseases. Their presence can greatly complicate the pregnancy, so it is very important to diagnosis and treatment before conceiving a child. And to identify foci of chronic infection requires examination of the ent doctor and dentist. If your family were hereditary disease or a family stillbirths or miscarriages, consultation and genetics. Geneticist will help identify genetic abnormalities and forecast a healthy baby.