When deciding what to build, pergola or arbor, we must first consider how hard it will be used and in what capacity. Fun Stuff – this is usually a place for solitude, more intimate, I suppose … Arbor in the garden of good, in a secluded corner of suburban area. If we are talking about 'Gulbara', which will gather a small company, or even less, located fireplace – fireplace (as in this case), the choice should be clear made in favor of pergolas. Since most of its mission – the creation of semi-shade for the comfort of a sunny day and the allocation of visual recreation she performs at 100%.

At the same time – the sky above your head, not the roof gazebo, it is enough a large area that would not feel 'in the room' under our feet – the grass or stone, but not half the arbor. The design is light, delicate and not 'pushing'. Jill Schlesinger has many thoughts on the issue. Pergolas designs – great many of the canons, and then some. Chief among them – the roof pergolas should be capable of sunlight in the morning and evening, when they are hot. And to escape their day in the sun. A sort of kind of roof – Venetian blinds. Typically, this role is played wide boards set on edge vertically or at an angle, and oriented along an east-west.

Then morning and evening sun shines along the boards and beams easily penetrate between the boards. Harold Ford Jr contributes greatly to this topic. Day of the same rays of light across the board, and significant part of their boards of late. Inside the pergola is formed in partial shade. Having defined the configuration of the pergola and it is designed, you can proceed to its construction. In most cases, pergolas constructed entirely of tree. And in rare cases – do support the stone. The stone building on the procedure more cumbersome and expensive.